Digital Tale of Genji

Toward a platform for full-text research on the Tale of Genji

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Welcome to "Digital Tale of Genji"

Volunteers began to consider "what are the meaningful digital functions for the study of "The Tale of Genji" with the opening of "The Tale of Genji" held by the University of Tokyo Library (June 2019). As part of that achievement, "Digital Tale of Genji - Aiming for a textual research platform for the Tale of Genji - " has been released. This site collects and creates various related data related to "The Tale of Genji" and links them together to propose an environment that helps not only research but also educational and research activities.



Data List

Title Organization License
【Image】 General Library, The University of Tokyo Tale of Genji General Library, The University of Tokyo CC BY Equivalent
【Image】 Kyushu University Tale of Genji Kokatsujiban Kyushu University Public Domain
【Image】 Private, Tale of Genji Mubatsumukankiseihanbon Private, Published by Kyushu University Library Public Domain
【Image】 National Institute of Japanese Literature Ukai-bunko Kogetsusyo National Institute of Japanese Literature CC BY-SA
【Image】 National Institute of Japanese Literature 絵入源氏物語:大本 National Institute of Japanese Literature CC BY-SA
【Image】 National Diet Library 絵入源氏物語:小本 National Diet Library Public Domain
【Image】 National Diet Library 絵入源氏物語:横本 National Diet Library Public Domain
【Image】 大阪公立大学中百舌鳥図書館 源氏百人一首 大阪公立大学中百舌鳥図書館所蔵 国文学研究資料館提供 CC BY
【Image】 奈良女子大学学術情報センター 源氏百人一首 奈良女子大学学術情報センター所蔵 国文学研究資料館提供 CC BY-SA
【Image】 Kōi Genji Monogatari National Diet Library Public Domain
【Text】 Kōi Genji Monogatari Kōi Genji Monogatari Text DB CC0
【Modern Translation】Shinpen Nihon koten bungaku zenshū(Shōgakkan)- Tale of Genji ※JapanKnowledge
【Modern Translation】 Tale of Genji(Translation by Akiko Yosano) Aozora Bunko Free Re-use

※ We used "Kōi Genji Monogatari" (Tokyo Chūō Kōron Sha, 1942), whose copyright protection period has expired. The number of pages in "Kōi Genji Monogatari" is the same as "Genji monogatari taisei" (Tokyo Chūō Kōron Sha, 1953-1954).


  • Takashi Tamura Associate Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo
  • Kiyonori Nagasaki Senior fellow, International Institute for Digital Humanities
  • Ikki Ohmukai Associate Professor, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, The University of Tokyo
  • Satoru Nakamura 東京大学史料編纂所助教
  • Volunteers, General Library, The University of Tokyo


Participants of TEI study group
  • Yifan Wang The University of Tokyo
  • Kazuhiro Okada National Institute of Japanese Literature
  • Jun Ogawa The University of Tokyo
  • Yusuyuki Kano The University of Tokyo
  • Nobutake Kamiya University of Zurich
  • Boyoung Kim Shibusawa Eiichi Memorial Foundation
  • Kiyonori Nagasaki International Institute for Digital Humanities
  • Satoru Nakamura The University of Tokyo
  • So Miyagawa Kyoto University / Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
  • Yuna Murata The University of Tokyo
Assigning the page numbers of "Kōi Genji Monogatari"
  • Haruka Sakayori The University of Tokyo

This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 19K20626.

General Affairs Division, University of Tokyo Library System / UTokyo Academic Archives Project Office